Customised Retreats - One Day Retreats
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Customised Retreats


Customised retreats are tailor made days to suit the needs of your team or group of friends. We offer personal and team development tools, stress management techniques and unique, fun and effective team activities. Get in touch to discuss the wishes of your employees or friends and we will create an unforgettable experience with tangible results.


Our offer varies from a single yoga class to a year-long trajectory with 4 live days. In our experience the impact of a customized retreat is much bigger than beach days or beer tastings. Of course there is room for good food and a glass of wine at the end of the day, but the essence is to empower, energise and optimise the wellbeing of your team or group of friends.


Get in touch!

Together we can discuss your needs. We will then propose a customised retreat with a suitable program run by the best trainers and teachers.


Optional activities

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Success is achieved together! Strong collaboration are the secret to a healthy organisation. Through involvement, connection and trust, teams can achieve results effortlessly. These exercises contribute to fun and ensure a close and positive team!

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Did you know we only use 30% of our breathing capacity? Correct breathing can provide more oxygen, decrease stress and increase energy levels. In this workshop you will learn a special breathing technique that immediately produces physical, mental and emotional results

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There is nothing better than surrounding yourself in nature during a hectic day. Recharge in order for creativity to flow again. Stretch your legs, inhale fresh air, stroll along the water, get your feet on the grass, embrace the environment. Breathing in nature, mindful walking or a silent walk, it’s all possible!

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Want to get active? Exercising together has a connecting effect and provides a healthy dose of energy! Getting out of the head and into the body. Pushing your limits a little out of your comfort zone will help you get to know yourself and others better. Which workout suits your team?

We have previously worked with these teams:

Request an Out-of-Office offer


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